CN is dedicated to social development and supporting the family unit by providing social services, financial support and material assistance, enabling children to access their basic right to education. Specifically, CN aims to provide educational and social support for deprived and underprivileged children and their families, who are working and living in the most difficult circumstances.
In Nepal, two-thirds of the population lives below the poverty line and the literacy rate is 60 percent. Many children are deprived of their basic right to education due to poverty, underdevelopment, mass illiteracy and socio-economic problems, including child labor and trafficking, bonded labor and discrimination against female children. Many families lack sufficient resources, both physical and social, thus making their children more vulnerable to illiteracy and poverty.
What we do with your support ?
Your sponsorship will directly enable a disadvantaged child to benefit from alternative opportunities and break away from the cycle of oppression by:
– Providing care and education for working children, orphaned and street children
– Providing social, emotional and income generation support for families fostering supportive relationships and creating a stable foundation for educational development
– Providing long-term financial support for children to attend local schools, where their families cannot afford to do so
– Providing youth with vocational training opportunities to be self-employed and/or to find a gainful employment
CN offers you the opportunity to sponsor a child in various ways:
General Sponsorship provides the opportunity for a child to study full-time in a public school and provides support for educational expenses such as tuition fees, school supplies and examination materials. These expenses are out of reach for many families in Nepal. In addition, CN provides support for the child and their family by means of parental support groups and a social worker who regularly visits the child’s school and home. To encourage a stable environment for the child and family, we kindly request a minimum three-year commitment.
Vocational Training Sponsorship supports youth through skills training and gainful employment placements. At first, youth engage in basic skills training including in English, writing-reading-speaking and life skills (goal setting, decision making, self-esteem development, personal health care, self-help practice, group work, meeting and discussion skills). Next, youth receive specialized training based on their interests and job opportunities (e.g. beauty therapy, handicraft making, trekking guide, food and beverage services, housekeeping, electro-mechanics, photography, plumbing, secretarial services, etc.). There many specialized training courses available for youth in Pokhara, and donations for this type of sponsorship cover training and monitoring for youth and a small loan for self-employment to run a business.
Emergency Support Fund Sponsorship enables CN to respond effectively and promptly to unexpected situations, such as the need for emergency medical care or the sudden termination of sponsorship and support for a child.
General Donations Sponsorship helps support CN’s income generating projects for disadvantaged and low-income women and vocational trainings for youth. General donations are also used to provide continued social and financial support for our dedicated staff, without whom our projects would not be possible, maintenance of CN’s Centre and equipment for children’s activities.
Actual Cost
Since children require different educational approaches at different times of their schooling, the annual costs for financial support vary, as shown in the table below.
Year of Study/Grade | US $ | Euro € |
Preschool + Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 | 205 | 150 |
Grades 5, 6 and 7 | 245 | 170 |
Grades 8, 9 and 10 | 285 | 200 |
Grades 11 and 12 | 450 | 350 |
Vocational training | 700 (one time) | 500 |
Relationship between Sponsors and CN:
CN will:
– Send bi-annual and annual updates (in May and December) relating to your sponsored child’s progress, health, wellbeing, and social and familial situation.
– Inform you of any change in the sponsored child’s and their family’s circumstances.
– Update you on CN’s progress and plans.
YOU will:
– Commit to at least three years of educational sponsorship.
– Inform CN 6 months prior to the termination of sponsorship and immediately in the event of an emergency.
– Keep CN informed of your contact information including mailing address, email and telephone number.
To sponsor a child or make a donation please complete and email the form below to Donations towards our activities may be made by a money order or a crossed cheque payable to CHILDREN-Nepal. Alternatively, you may arrange a bank transfer directly into CN’s account.
*Donation Form*
YES, I would like to make a financial contribution for:
GENERAL SPONSORSHIP: I want to sponsor (no. of) ________ children for (no. of) ________ years.
EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUND: I want to contribute ________ Nepali Rupees.
VOCATIONAL TRAINING: I want to support (no. of) ________ child(ren) for training.
GENERAL DONATIONS: I want to contribute ________ Nepali Rupees.